Spinnaker Performance

Information and posts about the rigging and sails.
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Spinnaker Performance

Post by wingman »

Some of you may remember my post in the old forum about buying a used J-80 spinnaker that fits well, is larger than the T28 standard spinnaker, and is of lighter material. At the time there was considerable debate on whether it would hold up with a higher performance boat. Well, we had it up in 15 to 25-knot winds this past weekend in the race to Baltimore and it came through with, literally, flying colors, yellow and green to exact!

We hoist under the jib while the bag is on the bow pulpit, but we can also launch out of the forward hatch. We try always to do windward takedowns and prefer Mexicans if possible (bring out the jib to windward, gybe the boat, but not the spinnaker, and let it fall into the jib. Blow the tack and sheet, then drop the kite down the hatch).

We were going downwind at about 150 degrees and did not try it on a reach, as the mark was dead downwind and we were just two 60-year-olds. We were too busy to watch the speed much, but it was over 12 knots at times, at least. Unfortunately, my crew was too beat for a second hoist in the river, so the last 8 miles were downwind with the jib. I have to find younger, and lighter, crew! We did find that the jib going downwind works much better if it is lead out to the amas where we put the spinnaker sheet. We need to rig a barberhaul for cruising, though usually we use the screacher.

I will be doing the Annapolis to Solomon's race this Friday. It is an 45-mile overnight race on the Chesapeake Bay. Right now, the forecast is for upwind most of the way, but we also may have some storms blow through, so it should be fun!

Bob Orr, @Last, will crew for me, so hopefully we can stay awake and alert for the ships and barges.

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