Rigging Tension Requirements

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Rigging Tension Requirements

Post by Dan »

Which Telstar do you have? If you add that to your signature, it would help... since the tensioning requirements between the Telstar 26/8m are probably quite different from those of the Telstar 28—with its mast raising system.

Also, you probably need two different LOOS tension gauges to really properly measure the rigging on the Telstar 28, as the cap shrouds are 9/32" and the backstay and intermediate shrouds are 3/16" IIRC. There are no aft lower shrouds on the Telstar, since they've effectively been replaced by the A-frame, which also needs to be adjusted.
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Rigging Tension Requirements

Post by Ron »

Jim -

There's a general procedure to follow to tune the T2 rig in the owners manual. Assuming that the the mast is pointed straight, the two sets of frames normally come first, then you can look at the wires. But a comment about this and any other boat where the mast could be lowered and raised frequently. The intermediates and uppers are swept back, so going too tight could impede this process - too much tension in the shrouds could make the process of raising (or lowering) the stick more difficult. I raise or lower the mast only once a year, and I tune the rig each time I raise it. I tend to back off on the shrouds about 2 or 3 turns when I lower it for the season. Manual doen't mention it, but it makes sense to me. If you don't want to do this, then you probably have to keep the tension in the wires within some reasonable number. Mine would be a little higher probably. I think I was in the 13 to 15 percent range based on breaking strength of the wire. And Dan was correct about the two gauges - assuming your rig is like mine, you will need two of them to do it.
Ron Marcuse
Telstar 28 #359 "Tri-Power"

Rigging Tension Requirements

Post by trashpad »

There is a nice section in the owner's manual that goes over the steps needed to adjust the T28's rigging. Page 9 and 10.


Rigging Tension Requirements

Post by Dan »

Also, check the spreaders to make sure they're bisecting the angle the shrouds make with them.
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Rigging Tension Requirements

Post by Mountainsailor »

For what it is worth below are my notes based on a conversation I had with Tony about rig tensioning back in 2007. It is substantially the same as the User Guide version but suggests a different shroud tension and is done without a Loos gauge. Hope this helps.

o With backstay firm and no screacher rigged make sure the A and B frames have no compression
o Tension the shrouds to 300-400 lbs. Rather than use loos gauge he suggests adjusting to a 2 inch deflection 6 feet above deck under 30-40 pounds of pressure
o Go back to the A frame and turn adjustor until finger tight. You want the lower A frame to take tension so turn the ¾” nut up until the 1/8” inner hole is 1/8” low. Pull the shroud to get the bolt holes to align. This sets the proper amount of tension on the A frame.
o The forward B frame must be neutral. THIS IS CRITICAL. Turn the turnbuckle until the bottom pin can simply slide through. This forward frame prevents twist and leeward pressure on the mast.
o The spreaders should bisect the shroud. Loosen clamp and adjust. Apply rigging tape after position is set.
o Intermediate shrouds should be adjusted just tight and with equal tension.
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