Relocating Cockpit Drain above the waterline.

Talk about the older Telstar 26 and 8M
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Relocating Cockpit Drain above the waterline.

Post by ajaxpc »

Watch out:

The cockpit floor in Trina is almost exactly on the waterline. It's above it until you heel the boat slightly or until the outboard pushed the stern down a bit.

I took out the central drain and replaced the cockpit floor - I then drilled two new drains in the forward edges of the cockpit. This is a much better (and safer) arrangement than the fragile seacock and hose contraption that is the original fitting.

See the following, though: and

for pictures on my Trina blogg.

You'll see that I had to put a flap on the outside to stop water coming *into* the cockpit when the boat was heeled and going forward. This worked fine.

It doesn't cause a problem going astern, because this is usually under power, at low speeds, unheeled - and the motor lifts rather than depresses in that direction.
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Relocating Cockpit Drain above the waterline.

Post by luigisante »

My cockpit is identical to yours before you raised the floor. I like the way you did it, simply putting a glassed plywood floor on top of the existing one. Wish I had thought of that before I went underneath the original floor and replaced the plywood from underneath (what a mess!!). Anyway, it is too late in the process to change the floor and drains now. I finally measured by cockpit floor and it is only a smidgen above the waterline. For now, I am going to reinstall a thru hull and new hose on the drain. Raising the floor and making side drains will have to wait for another day.


Lou Giansante
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