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Buoyancy tank leak

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:52 pm
by Jerry
I had a bit in the Port tank - not enough to do anything with unless I used a sponge.
Outriggers have stayed dry so far.

I will have to keep watching. Weird they are not in the manual.

Buoyancy tank leak

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:34 pm
by gary green
I have not had any problems with water in the buoyancy tanks. The amas are a different story. I still keep finding possible spots for water entry including the lifeline pulpits. Took care of another potential water entry on one and decided to caulk around the rubstarkes on both amas. Hopefully something will correct this problem.

gary g.

Buoyancy tank leak

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:51 am
by Dan
I'd point out that the most recent boats don't come with lifeline stanchions for the amas because they were a major source of leaks into the amas. If you've got leak problems, I would check those first, as those seem to be a weak point.

Buoyancy tank leak

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:56 am
by gary green
Hi Dan,

You are absolutely correct. I noticed a gap between the ama hull deck and the tube that the stanchion slides in. Took crae of them but missed one on the port ama which I remedied. I also insured the deck plates and hatch had good connections. Still get water so I started to study the rubstrake that goes around the amas and found a number of areas where the rubstrake was not flush to the decking. I know that PCI uses a high strength glue for the ama deck to hull but when I saw the clamping operation at the factory they use numerous vice grips spread out over the surface that have more a point to point clamping contact which lended to some waviness of that joint on the finished product which is covered over by the rubstrake. Although I am confident about the structural integrity it doesn't take much to have a small gap along this connection that could lend itself to water infiltration.

I finished the caulking about two weeks ago before the monsoons decended on Connecticut for the past twenty or so days. Horrible for trying to sail but a good test to see if everything remains dry. Will it ever stop raining!!!!

gary g.

Buoyancy tank leak

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:26 pm
by occasion
I get water in both of my almas. I assume that it comes through the hatches. Has anyone found a better way to seal the hatches or to test for leakage through the hatches?

Occasion #368
Rochester, NY

Buoyancy tank leak

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:37 am
by Ron
Sandy -

Best way to see if the big hatches leak is to dry out the ama, close the hatch, and spray water in that area only. Then, using a mirror and flashlight if necessary, take a look to see if there are any drops hanging onto the screws or bottom of the hatch assembly, and also the cover when you carefully lift it up. You can do the same for the small round ones toward the ends of the ama. If the screws are dripping, you'll have to re-bed the thing. Cover or inside edge could mean just buying a new rubber gasket.

Buoyancy tank leak

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:12 pm
by Mark
I convinced my youngest kid that it would be fun to be locked in the AMA while I poured buckets of water over the hatch. He reported water poured in. I've re-bedded the hatch to no avail, only duct tape keeps the water out. I plan to change the hatches this winter to those used on current Telstars.


Buoyancy tank leak

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:13 am
by trashpad
I love having kids around for such testing.

Buoyancy tank leak

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:30 pm
by gary green
Hi Mark,

I just rebedded my hatches and deck plates. Haven't checked to see if they are still leaking. By the way what hatches is Performance Cruising using on the new boats just in case I have to replace mine.

gary g.

Buoyancy tank leak

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:59 pm
by trashpad
I am not sure the make and model but here are two photos of them. I will try to get to the boat and get more info and photos for you.
