Water tank

Posts about the Galley and Head systems, including plumbing, water, and propane
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Water tank

Post by Jerry »

Has anyone had issues with the water tank?

Being a new boat and not having weather and my schedule cooperate we have only day sailed the boat this year. I did not fill the water tank until about a month ago and the next week found 1/2 the water in the bilge. It seamed to stop leaking with about 3" of water in the tank. Yesterday I refilled and traced all the lines finding the tee for the second sink and could not find anything leaking. The only line I really can not see is most of the one running to the sink in the head but that should be one contigulus line so I doubt it is an issue.

I told Will and he said to look at the fittings at the rear of the tank but yesterday there were no leaks there.

I may have to fill it in the spring with a die to see if I can find it.
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Water tank

Post by Ron »

Jerry -

Try to get all of the water out of the space between the hull and cabin sole. It will definitely freeze up by you and water will expand as it freezes. You should be able to figure out where it's coming from next year. By the way - If you have an air compressor handy, it's a good idea to blow the lines out rather than adding the pink antifreeze. They say it's non-toxic, but you'll feel, smell and taste it for a long time when you put the boat back in the water next year.
Ron Marcuse
Telstar 28 #359 "Tri-Power"
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Water tank

Post by seicam »

I had similar experience earlier this year. Once the boat was drained and in the storage, I put my hand inside the water tank and found that it appear to have an opening in the back wall at the top of the tank. So if you fill in the tank to the top the water will overflow to the bilde until it drops below the opening. I am not sure why it is done that way and if it supposed to be done that way. IMO the water tank should be completely closed. It would be great if owners of earlier boats could check how it is build on their boats.

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Water tank

Post by Jerry »

I got one of those 3' fiber optic scopes for Christmas so this will be a good first use for it. Did you find a way to plug the "opening"? I think one opening is needed for venting the tank and I am not sure where that one is.

Water tank

Post by trashpad »

We regulary fill the tank to the brim when heading out for the weekend with no issues. Can you get to the outside spot to patch it?
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Water tank

Post by Jerry »

OK so I got the fiber optic scope out today and looked at this in some detail and it has just gotten stranger.

About 22" from the stern end of the tank there is a wall (baffle/stiffener?) that is only open about 1/2" at the top. With the scope I can also see another similar wall about 2' farther down the tank but in this one along with the top opening this second wall also has about a 1" diameter opening at the bottom most point.

I think the intent is for the tank to run all the way to about a foot shy of the wall to the head (about a foot shy of the knot meter) making it overall about 50" long. If so then the problem would be that the walls I am seeing are stiffeners and someone just forgot to leave the opening in the bottom of the first one.

This unfortunately is not the case since water getting over the first baffle somehow gets to the bilge. I can not manipulate the fiber optic scope enough to how but it is dry now.

If I just close off the top of the first baffle the tank will only hold about 7 gallons.

I have tried to reach Tony but the number listed on this site as the new Telstar number (410 990 0317) is disconnected.

Any ideas?
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Water tank

Post by Ron »

Tony moved back to the Performance Cruising building. It was just him working in the new shed and they had room in the original one. The old number is good. He's building a new Telstar with a number of changes, by himself.
Ron Marcuse
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Water tank

Post by Jerry »

I tried that on a whim and spoke with Sue who said she would have Tony call.

Ron - I assume I am correct that the whole tank you fill on your boat is about 50" long. Basically from the mast step back to the cook top.
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Water tank

Post by Ron »

Jerry -

Never even looked at the tank. I put a little water in there occasionally. Never filled it up. Beer tastes better than water, right?
Ron Marcuse
Telstar 28 #359 "Tri-Power"
Posts: 94
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Water tank

Post by seicam »

Your description matches what I see on my boat. I will be interested in what you learn from Sue and Tony.

Ron, I use water from the tank for hand washing, dish washing and making coffee. It's not for straight drinking IMO. Still it is useful to fill up the tank on longer trip.

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