Last sail of the season

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Last sail of the season

Post by Mark »

Previous posters have asked how well the Telstar does in high wind and/or rough seas. In early December, the last sail of the season for me on the Chesapeake, I got the chance to test the wind side of the question. The wind was calm at the dock on St Jerome's creek but we are sheltered and strong winds were forecast so I double reefed the main and set out. As soon as we reached open water the wind hit, around 20 kn true, but as it was blowing off the land the water was relatively calm. We kept in 6 to 15 feet of water and had a blast. The wind built gusting to over 27 kn true, but with just a little piece of genoa showing and some judicious spilling of wind, the boat handled beautifully with no sign of being overpowered. The threat from approaching dark storm clouds drove us in eventually, thankful that the Telstars shallow draft and stability gave us such a great late season sail.

The boat is now in the garage, the creek has been frozen solid since before Christmas and as you can tell from the date of this post, I'm dreaming of next season.

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