Telstar 8m

Talk about the older Telstar 26 and 8M
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Telstar 8m

Post by Jonsmith »

Hi, new to the forum but in need of info how to remove the centreboard? Can't see any pivot pin in the Casing from inside the boat .
Please any advise would be greatly appreciated
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Re: Telstar 8m

Post by Jonsmith »

Dissapointed that this forum seems unable to assist, there must be someone who has removed the centreboard from an 8m Telstar???
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Re: Telstar 8m

Post by Hull52 »


The board is not as active as it once was. The original creator was a control freak and after a personal loss kinda lost his mind and disappeared with all the information needed to keep the board running. Nevertheless we have some fragments of the original material that Ron has added to the site.

There is a brochure for the 8 Meter boat that you have. Here is the link: ... view?hl=en On page 3, in the first picture you can see the centerboard case and, if you look carefully, you can see the retaining/pivot pin in the lower right hand side of the casing. On later boats, the 8 Meter centerboard did not have the round part shown in the picture. But the pivot pin is in the same place.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Telstar 8m

Post by Jonsmith »

Thanks very much for your reply,however the pivot pin is not there! The top of the casing is also not curved like the picture shown.
The board has also had a grp cover laminated over the top too, but I think I need to remove the top cover and the board will pull out from the top

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Re: Telstar 8m

Post by Hull52 »

So, it looks like you have a later built hull. Those boards are in a rectangular centerboard box. Joe Siudzinski had one of those boats. You might try emailing him at I'm sure he could give you a definitive answer. He has had his centerboard out and can give you a detail of the pivot point. I remember seeing a video he made of him reshaping a new board.
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Re: Telstar 8m

Post by JoeS. »

Jonsmith, sorry, I've been away traveling and hadn't accessed this forum for some time, but will return home in a week.

The Telstar 8m centerboard arrangement is ingenious. Bear with me, as it's been about 30 years since I removed mine, and I'll have to crawl under the boat and look at the grooves in the centerboard trunk to refresh my memory of the exact geometry. What Tony did, in order to avoid a trunk penetration for the pivot, is suspend the centerboard between two short boards that fit into slots in the centerboard trunk, the pivot pin for the centerboard going between these two boards. At the upper end is a phenolic hexagonal (octagonal?) 'drum' around which the rope is wound, the ends of the rope attaching to fore and aft upper ends of the centerboard. The shape of this phenolic drum provides enough friction such that rotating it raises or lowers the centerboard. The bolt on which the drum is mounted penetrates the centerboard trunk fairly high up above the waterline and is rotated from inside the cabin. There is also a pressure relief tube at the top of the trunk which prevents water from being squished out of the drum bolt penetration into the cabin.

When I get home I'll look at the boat and go through my files as I thought I had once made a drawing of this setup. If I recall there was something unique about the way the bolt was attached/pinned to the phenolic drum and was very tricky to re-install.

Yes, that's a good email address for me: siudzinski at telis dot org
I'll be happy to exchange correspondence with you and will hopefully be able to update this thread once I've remembered all the details myself. Lou was right - I had made a video as I was fabricating a replacement board: guess what - that replacement board is still sitting unfinished in my garage! As I'm going to be re-launching my Telstar hopefully soon, one of my lingering concerns is that the original plywood board may well give up the ghost!
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