Wanted: Screecher, Bimini, Dodger

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Wanted: Screecher, Bimini, Dodger

Post by Cruissser »

Looking for a Screecher, Bimini, and Dodger in decent condition. I would settle for the frame and enough material to use as a pattern to make one as well. Does anyone know where I can get these made for a decent price?

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Re: Wanted: Screecher, Bimini, Dodger

Post by Mangodoc »

I've been making a sail pack from the kit by SailRite, and I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Bimini and dodger kit from them. I'm making my own, custom job for far less than having one made, including buying a heavy duty sewing machine and a hot knife that I will use for many other projects as well, and I have a lot of leftover materials. Since buying the sewing machine I've also repaired some seams on my Bimini and plan to repair my own foresail sacrificials, tiller and winch covers, and make protective bags for my roller furler and autopilot. But I have the luxury of having enough basic sewing machine experience to know how to thread one and run it, and enough time in hotel rooms when I'm on the road to get the jobs done. At any rate, I recommend SailRite as a supplier if you want to do them yourself or hire a seamstress.

Good luck with it whatever you decide.
s.v. Trinity
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Re: Wanted: Screecher, Bimini, Dodger

Post by Cruissser »

Mangodoc wrote:I've been making a sail pack from the kit by SailRite, and I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Bimini and dodger kit from them. I'm making my own, custom job for far less than having one made, including buying a heavy duty sewing machine and a hot knife that I will use for many other projects as well, and I have a lot of leftover materials. Since buying the sewing machine I've also repaired some seams on my Bimini and plan to repair my own foresail sacrificials, tiller and winch covers, and make protective bags for my roller furler and autopilot. But I have the luxury of having enough basic sewing machine experience to know how to thread one and run it, and enough time in hotel rooms when I'm on the road to get the jobs done. At any rate, I recommend SailRite as a supplier if you want to do them yourself or hire a seamstress.

Good luck with it whatever you decide.

Are you interested in making what you plan on making times two and having someone pay for all your materials?

Also that would be a good excuse to stop by and see Trinity. I have been trying to learn more by looking at the old posts here and came across one with Trinity with 2 motors on the back. Do you still have that setup? Anyways she looks like a nice vessel!! Much cleaner than mine is right now.

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Re: Wanted: Screecher, Bimini, Dodger

Post by Mangodoc »


I'm actually not in need of a screecher, Bimini or dodger, but I'd love to help you if I can. The problem is that I'd need to be close to a Telstar regularly to get the dimensions, and I'm not. I just finished my sail pack yesterday, and frankly I'm a little nervous that it'll fit since I measured Trinity over a month ago and haven't been able to try it on as I go. But if you have all the dimensions and plans I'll sew it for you if you'd like. I have to make the disclaimer that my machine handles heavy sailthread poorly, so the seams aren't as pretty as I'd like, but they're strong and functional. Kick the idea around and let me know.
s.v. Trinity
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Re: Wanted: Screecher, Bimini, Dodger

Post by Cruissser »

Yes lets go for it....I won't be looking for any refunds. I would be very happy to help, my boat is in my shop right now and I would be happy to take any dimensions you need.
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